"SOS rehydrates you three times faster than drinking water alone, and beats all competing hydration drinks in all metrics." - Dr. Blanca Mayo

Is Homemade Electrolyte Solutions Really Worth All The Effort?

Homemade Electrolyte DrinkIt is commonly advocated that homemade electrolyte drinks are cheaper to make and only need the most basic ingredients. There are however far more considerations than just drinks with three basic electrolytes.

Ingredients of a good quality electrolyte drink should include:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Citrate
  • Chloride
  • Sugars
  • No artificial colorants, flavourings, sugars, or preservatives.

[SOS Hydration photo credit to @sleeniondaroof on Instagram.]

What to consider before you make your homemade electrolyte solution:

  • When you make your own electrolyte drink, especially the well know WHO formula of sugar, salt and water it is important to make sure that the exact correct amounts of water, sugar, and salt are used. Too much sugar or salt can do more harm than good. If you do not use clean water it can cause even more trouble such as diarrhoea.
  • There are thousands of special rehydration oral replacement solutions that you can make yourself at home. The problem is that we are not able to say that our homemade ORT mix contains the correct amount of electrolytes in the correct balance to actually rehydrate and replace the electrolytes that is needed.
  • The relation between the ingredients should be correct to ensure that you have an effective drink. Moreover the correct osmolarity is vitally important. This is difficult to achieve if you are not 100% sure of your equations and calculations. If you do not have your scientific calculations right, chances are that you will not have an electrolyte solution with the correct osmolarity.
  • In general, mixing the electrolyte solution requires you to consume all of it at once or at least consume it the same day. It is not advisable to let some stay left over and consumes it the next day.
  • In order to keep the solution low in calories you should not use too much sugar. In addition using too much sugar can worsen diarrhoea and dehydration. It is better to replace sugar with hone or stevia for homemade electrolyte solutions. However, it can not replace natural sugar completely.
  • If the homemade electrolyte solution recipe requires some kind of vegetable or fruit juices, it means you have to do it yourself. You can not buy it from the store. The majority of store bought vegetable or fruit juices contain extra salts along with other additives.
  • A homemade recipe that contains tea does not simply mean any tea. It is important to pay close attention to the quality of the tea and the strength thereof. It is always better to make use of a high quality black tea without any added smells or flavourings, or additives.

Consider Ready to Use Electrolyte Solutions

With all these factors considered, it is highly unlikely that it can outnumber the benefits of ready to use hydration drinks such as SOS Hydration. It is either pre mixed or you simply have to add water.

  • It is extremely convenient. Because of the compilation of ready to use electrolyte drinks, you can simply measure the water and mix, anytime, at any place, when ever you need it.
  • There is no need to measure and mix all the ingredients. You have peace of mind that the professionals have taken care of it for you and you can mix a drink in seconds when you need it in the quantity that you need.
  • No problems with leftovers and what to do with them. You simply only mix the electrolyte drinks one at a time as you need it. It does not require additional storage and there is no waste from any leftovers that was not used in time.
  • It is widely recommended that homemade electrolyte solutions should only be used when no commercial solutions are available. Surely the reasons are becoming more self-explanatory
  • The right compilation every time. You can be sure that you will have the correct amount of electrolytes with the correct osmolarity every time you use a bought electrolyte drink such as SOS Hydration.

With all the scientific research that went into the manufacturing of the perfect electrolyte drink such as SOS Hydration, there is no need to miss out on the numerous advantages it holds by wanting to rely on your own doubtful homemade electrolyte solution.

[INGREDIENTS] Homemade Electrolyte Drink for Dehydration
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