What’s the science behind electrolytes
Electrolytes may seem like a mere buzzword to the uninformed. You know it’s something you’re supposed to consume after intense physical activity. You typically do this with sports drinks or even coconut water. What’s the science behind this though? In the following, we’ll tackle the importance of why we need them and just exactly what they are.
What are they?
They are ionic solutions, also known as salts, that upon entering our bodies release a negative or positive charge. These charges regulate the follow of water within our cells and maintain our nerve impulse control. If we didn’t consume these ionic solutions, the cells in our body would certainly suffer. Whenever you engage in any physical activity, these salts are stored in your sweat glands. Water comes after and once your glands are full, this mixture is released on your skin as sweat.
Your sweat evaporates leaving you feeling brisk and cool. Have you ever wondered why your skin will sometimes have a salty taste? Well, this is why!
Why do we need them?
Our bodies need a regular inflow of different minerals to survive. These salts are responsible for keeping your body hydrated. Hydration ensures the body’s muscles and nerves are working well. The most common salts are phosphates, calcium, chloride, potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate.
As our bodies sweat, we lose these various minerals. We also lose them whenever we urinate, vomit, or defecate. Basically, it happens whenever we lose liquid from our body. When you sweat, you will find yourself losing more sodium, chloride, and potassium than anything else. Potassium is one of the more important salts for us. Potassium is responsible for maintaining the cellular wall structure.
If you drink an infused beverage, you’ll find that your body will hydrate at a faster pace. This follows the pattern of salts preceding water. Taking in salts like sodium can also decrease the amount of water your body loses during urination. This can then allow your body to better hydrate your tissues, nerves, and muscles.
Getting Your Important Ionic Solutions Naturally
Another great way to replenish your body’s salts is by eating. This is the most natural form of ionic solution consumption. We recommend eating mostly vegetables and fruits. The more organic, the better. Apples, beets, carrots, and corn all contain high levels of important minerals and salts.
Bananas are also great. They are a rich source of potassium and other minerals. Spinach is another solid selection. Dark leafy greens like spinach and chard contain high amounts of sodium, calcium, magnesium, as well as different prebiotics that aid your body’s digestive system.
Electrolyte drinks are another great option for when you lose too much liquid during an illness. These electrolyte drinks can help combat symptoms of severe dehydration.
To check your rate you should look at taking a Sweat Test, this can give a strong and predictive indication of sodium loss. You should be good to go as long as you’re not someone that is a professional athlete or constantly engaged in serious physical activity.
These salts are not just a trend, they are a crucial element in maintaining our health and wellbeing. We may not think of salts as being very important, but they bring a lot to the table. We hope this quick overview of electrolytes aided your understanding of what they are and why you need them.