Drink Mix Filled with the Electrolytes
How many of us have woken up from a night out with friends and felt the unhappy, creeping sense of a hangover sneaking up on us? There are few of us who can say we have not had this terrible feeling which can ruin an entire day when it is not addressed. One of the fastest cures for the dehydration and symptoms of the previous night is to grab a drink mix filled with the electrolytes needed for a speedy cure. Give your hydration and electrolytes a boost by choosing SOS!
What is a Hangover?
So what is a hangover? It usually arrives after a night of heavy drinking and is made worse the more we drink. When we wake up the day after a heavy night of drinking we often feel the headache and dry mouth of the morning after a heavy drinking session. Later we often feel distracted and easily unfocused as our brain tries to restore its proper functioning.
An SOS drink mix filled with the electrolytes proven to restore hydration is a great option for restoring the proper work of our brain and body. Perhaps the most important problem we have to deal with when struggling to cope with the morning after is that of dehydration caused by alcohol consumption. You should know by now that alcohol speeds the body in creating and eliminating urine from the human body which is why we often spend half of a night out in a bathroom. The next morning you may be struggling with a headache and the inability to focus, but we often find ourselves having difficulty urinating and when it does happen, it smells strong and is extremely dark.
These are the common symptoms of too much alcohol being consumed the night before and our bodies struggle to keep up with the hydration needed to live everyday life. Those of us who have felt the symptoms of too much drinking the night before is always looking for a cure which is fast and effective. Particularly, if we have to spend the next day at work.
Electrolytes have been known as a cure for alcohol consumption for many years with many of us looking to replenish the lost water in our bodies after a heavy night out. Mixing SOS powder into a drink is a great option for starting your recovery as you will speed up the rehydration and recovery process.
In the past, many of us looked to energy drinks as a cure for too much drinking the night before but these sugar-filled drinks propose problems of their own. Sugar and caffeine can cause us problems with our bodies drying out and not allowing us to work correctly. The mixture of ingredients has been scientifically created in SOS giving you and I the chance to rehydrate effectively. Because nobody likes a hangover when we need to get on with our lives.