Partying is all about having the time of your life; that is, until the next morning…
A hangover leaves many wondering why they ever had a drink in the first place. The good news is you can have your fun without such a crazy hangover if you hydrate the right way. Grab a few SOS before you head out for the night, and say goodbye to those horrible hangovers. Also read SOS is a great hangover cure with powerful electrolytes.
Stay Hydrated
Alcohol dehydrates your body. Yes, it’s liquid so it doesn’t make much sense, but alcohol is pretty much flushing right through your body into the toilet all night. If you don’t replenish the water in your body, you’ll definitely feel it the next morning. This is why you feel like you’re dying of thirst, have a headache, stomachache and/or can’t stay awake. You have to stay hydrated throughout your partying time. Water and electrolytes are best when combined so you get everything you need to stay hydrated. SOS is going to pack that punch for you in a tasty form.
Go One For One
One easy way to prevent dehydration is to keep a drink in your hand all night long. This doesn’t mean that drink needs to be alcoholic all night. Alternate between your alcoholic beverage and your SOS. No one is going to ask questions if you’re downing SOS and an adult beverage. They’ll probably guess your SOS actually has liquor in it. Just smile and nod as you hydrate knowing you won’t have such a headache in the morning.
The Importance of an Electrolyte
If you plan to be out dancing all night as you drink, plan on losing lots of electrolytes. These help balance the amount of water in your body. When you sweat them out, your body is left crying in pain. Your muscles may spasm, your head may hurt and/or you will probably feel extremely tired. This is why athletes love to chug an electrolyte-filled beverage. You feel so much better once your body is balanced once again. You might not even realize you’re sweating so much dancing and partying, but your body knows the truth. Don’t let your levels get too low before drinking your SOS.
Snack It Up
Drinking on an empty stomach is a horrible choice. Make sure to have a nice dinner before you go out. Throughout the night snack as much as possible. This doesn’t mean you can fill yourself with chips and candy all night to stay away from a horrible hangover. This means you snack on things that don’t dehydrate your body with all their sodium. You can refresh your body with things like watermelon, grapefruit and celery. These things all naturally contain water. Along with snacking, remember to drink your water and SOS at the same time.
Cheat A Little
You don’t have to take shots all night. You don’t even have to drink beer all night. Cheat a little bit on the hard liquor by going for some different choices. Go for liquor over the rocks. This means you’ll get ice that actually melts a bit so you get more water in your body. Order a few Bloody Marys made with tomato juice, a celery stick and lots of ice. You’ve got your veggies and hydration all mixed in one. Go for a blended drink that’s mixed with fruity drinks and ice so you still get that ice in there. It’s a little trick to get more water as you drink liquor and beer.
There’s no real cure for hangovers. The best way to combat a lack of hydration that leads your body crawling for help is to hydrate as much as possible. As long as you have your SOS stuffed full of water and electrolytes, you are carrying around the closest thing in the world to a hangover elixir.